Pan's Labyrinth: Opening scene
Pan's Labyrinth: Opening scene Analyse how film form is used to create meaning and generate response in the opening scene of Pan's Labyrinth + one other scene: cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing, sound and performance. The film of Pan’s Labyrinth uses film form to create meaning and generate a certain response from the audience. The opening scene starts by giving the viewers social and historical context. The film directly situates the viewer in the fascist Spain of the 1940's and gives historical context about the civil war that had recently ended but there were still some who still resisted the regime. Pan's Labyrinth presents the main character with the ending scene - a shot of the main character lying on the floor, bleeding, while a smooth voice sings a lullaby. Rewinding and going into Ofelia's mind, the narrator tells the audience a story about the princess of the Underworld, a place where there were "no lies or pain", that dreamt of seeing the ...